Quantum Leaps: How Quantum Computing Shapes the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
quantum computing, quantum machine learning, artificial intelligence, quantum neural networksAbstract
Quantum computing leverages quantum mechanical phenomena to enable powerful new forms of computation. With the ability to dramatically exceed the capabilities of classical supercomputers on select complex problems, many researchers anticipate revolutionary impacts of quantum computing on a variety of fields, including artificial intelligence. This research proposal outlines an investigation analyzing the intersection of quantum computation and artificial intelligence. The key research questions explore how quantum algorithms and hardware may practically enhance future artificial intelligence, along with a rigorous methodology to evaluate quantum techniques for machine learning and neural networks tasks against classical benchmarks. The anticipated results include demonstrable advantages of quantum machine learning over classical approaches, providing unique insights into forthcoming advances at the leading edge of artificial intelligence as quantum platforms continue maturing. Ultimately, this research aims to elucidate the emerging symbiotic relationship between quantum physics and artificial intelligence which could shape the landscape of intelligent technologies in the coming decades.
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