A Voice Based Framework in Medical Emergency and Essential Services Using NLP (In Special Reference to People with Writing Disability)


  • Rajesh Yadav


NLG, deep learning, artificial intelligence, name entity recognition, machine translation, illiterate, Disability


Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become increasingly popular in recent years as a means of organising and structuring knowledge for tasks such as translation, summarization, named entity recognition, relationship extraction, and audio recognition. The processing efficiency of NLP based systems has increased significantly with the introduction of deep learning algorithms. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a challenge to medical research, information technology operations, corporate procedures, and the global economy. Several techniques are being researched to ensure that lockout and social isolation are successful without creating significant public discomfort. The present developments and uses of NLP can serve as an important support system in the fight against the COVID- 9 epidemic. This research compares various deep learning models for NLP approaches and provides an NLP framework for developing vital and emergency services support systems with the goal of reducing human interactions.

