Programming Java Applets in Web Designing


  • M. Shoikhedbrod EI Inc


Java applets are small applications, written in the Java programming language, which are compiled into machine Java codes as "HTML name.class" files and are launched from a web page, using HTML files, after which they are executed in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in a separate process from the web browser itself (Microsoft Internet Explorer). Java applets appear in a web page frame, in a new application window. Applets are used to provide interactive features to web applications that cannot be provided by HTML alone. They can use mouse input and also have controls such as buttons or checkboxes. In response to user actions, an applet can change the graphical content, it provided, making applets well suited for demonstrating, visualizing, and learning about subjects ranging from physics to cardiac physiology. This study developed by the author on the basis of well-known Java applets of the “Lake”, “Snow” and “SkyLog” Image Java applets, allowing to revive the paintings of famous artists that have lakes with splashing waves, fireworks rising into the sky on the lake with splashing waves background snowfall, as well as clouds moving in the sky. The developed Image Java applets will make it possible to revive the paintings of the great artists of famous virtual galleries: the Louvre, the Metropolitan Museum, the Hermitage, the A.S. Pushkin Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, etc.

