A Study on the Intersection of Human and Artificial Intelligence through Augmented Analytics


  • Manisha Yadav Research Scholar, MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Amit Yadav Research Scholar, MCA, Thakur Institute of Management Studies, Career Development & Research (TIMSCDR), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Artificial Intelligent – AI, Machine learning – ML, Augmented Analytics, Bayesian Inference, Probabilistic Programming


The amount of exertion put in analytics by humans is colossal. Analytics today predominantly consists of performing the same steps repeatedly manually. Augmenting practices leverage the idea of automating the steps which are repeatedly done by humans and coalesce it with decision making capabilities of mankind. This will furnish us with applications where machines will understand data and make automated business analytics with the help of machine learning and AI. Furthermore, using AI we can amalgamate the science of decision-making capabilities of humans and automated analytics to takeover many of the repetitive procedures in data science and optimize the decision-making capability of machines resulting in dignitary business decisions.


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