Fusion of Intelligence: Biosensors and AI in the Medical Landscape


  • Ushaa Eswaran Principal and Professor, Department of Electronics & Communications Engineering, Indira Institute of Technology and Sciences, Markapur, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Vivek Eswaran Senior Software Engineer, Tech Lead at Medallia, Austin, Texas, United States
  • Keerthna Murali Secure Connection: Cybersecurity, Site Reliability Engineer II (SRE) at Dell EMC | CKAD | AWS CSAA, United States
  • Vishal Eswaran Senior Data Engineer at CVS Health Centre, Dallas, Texas, United States


artificial intelligence, biosensors, healthcare, diagnostics, therapeutics, ethics


Healthcare stands poised to benefit immensely from emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced biological sensors (biosensors). This study provides a comprehensive analysis on the integration of AI algorithms and biosensor devices for transformative health applications, assessing clinical relevance alongside ethical considerations. An overview of biosensors and AI in medical contexts is followed by examining how these technologies synergize for improved diagnostics, treatment personalization, remote monitoring, and other setups. Challenges around regulation, privacy, and AI bias are also highlighted. Case studies showcase cutting-edge implementations detecting cancer, monitoring neonatal health, and more, demonstrating evidence of clinical viability and tangible patient impact. Future directions centre on scalability enablers like biocompatible sensors, nanotechnology, and smart medical devices to deliver AI’s near-boundless analytical potential. The study concludes that multilayered datasets generated by AI-enabled biosensors can revolutionize medicine, but purposeful innovation and governance are vital to guide appropriate adoption while respecting ethical boundaries.


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