Correlating Color Complexity and Mental Health


  • Lomate Nikhita
  • Gawad Kaushik


Mental health has been a cyclic evolution rather than a linear one. This means that the mental health depends on the surroundings, culture and period of time. People have been studying emotions from numerous periods. In spite of this, it is not surprising that we all know quite a bit about them; what is surprising is that the lack of understanding round the necessity of both feelings for healthy functioning. Positive emotions are feelings that we generally find pleasurable to sustain. The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology which has an article written by Cohn & Fredrickson in the year 2009 which explains the exact meaning of the feelings and emotions and their positive and negative attributes. On the other hand, negative feelings are those that we generally do not find pleasurable to sustain. Negative feelings are often defined as “as a bitter or unhappy emotion which is raised in individualities to precise a negative effect towards an occasion or person” (Pam, 2013). There are many instances which prove that colors have the potential to impact a variety of aspects of human behavior and it can also affect the mental state of any individual. There is also few research which state that emotional words and colors have a connection, and their findings have revealed that luminousness is repeatedly related to positive emotional words and darkness with negative emotional words. All this helps in stating the fact that colors have a greater depth to them, and this depth can be used to form a connection between mental state of a person and the colors.

