Role of Deep Learning in Image Recognition


  • Riya Chakraborty
  • Gautami Awasthi


Deep learning, artificial neural network, image recognition, CNN


Deep learning (DL) is a part of machine learning (ML) while ML is a subarea of artificial intelligence (AI). Deep learning or convolutional neural network (CNN) is a kind of neural network (NN). Nowadays, DL is playing a peculiar role in image recognition. It is being applied for recognizing speeches, language translations, automatic game playing, healthcare, and Self-driving a car as well. The concept of DL was proposed by Alexey lvakhnenko Lapa in the 1960s. It starts popularizing in the research community in 2010, especially in image recognition. Although, the method outperforms in the domain of image classification. But, it suffers from certain limitations, such as lack of common sense, not being appropriate for complex problems, and it is not much use for long term planning. The paper outlines the role of deep learning in image recognition.

