A Survey on Hateful Memes Detection Techniques
Hate speech, multimodal, hateful memes, visual-linguisticAbstract
With the advent of social media, meme, which is a combination of image along with some text are becoming a popular mode of communication for spreading jokes or sarcasm which may also include some toxicity like racial, sexist and many other types of hateful content. Identifying hate in text is a comparable easy task as it is a unimodal task; however, identifying hate in memes is a multimodal task and requires VL (Visual-Linguistic) Models. Recently, this issue has gathered much attention from researchers around the world. Researchers have worked on various Visual-Linguistic models to identify hateful memes. In this study, we have made a comprehensive study of various techniques to identify hateful memes and summarized these techniques based on various evaluation metrices like AUC, F1 score and accuracy. Finally, we have highlighted various challenges and future work in identifying multimodal hate in online memes.
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