Literature Survey of Finance in Blockchain Technology


  • Shilpashree R.
  • Mohammed Rafi


Applications of blockchain, K-nearest neighbor, banking industry, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, finance


Blockchain innovation is a sort of disseminated record innovation and a decentralized record (DLT). Each block in the "chain of blocks" contains time-stepped computerized information, as well as a hash that exceptionally distinguishes it corresponding to the blocks before it. Blockchain technology enjoys an extraordinary benefit in the part of decentration, receptiveness, independence, alter safe data and namelessness. While certain associations are investigating the utilization of blockchain to modernize their organizations, fresher players in the commercial center have had the option to embrace the innovation. Because of the call for papers on the subject of blockchain and computerized banking, a few commitments were gotten. From virtual monetary forms to monetary applications to the more extensive social circle, the scope of blockchain applications has extended. The implementation of blockchain technology has the potential to transform the capital market industry by impacting business strategies, reducing risks, lowering costs, and generating capital savings. This study features the different existing works of blockchain in finance.

