Inligence Cloud: Cloud-based Financial Analytics Platform


  • Shreyash Dhanawade Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Nimish Pandey Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Mehul Upase Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Ritik Reejhwani Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Charusheela Pandit Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering Technology (ViMEET) University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Financial analysis, Cloud computing, visualization tools, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning


Data analysis is an essential aspect of modern research and business decision-making. With the increasing amount of data being generated, the need for efficient and effective data analysis software is becoming more crucial. This software offers a range of features, including data visualization tools, statistical analysis capabilities, and machine learning algorithms. Users can import data from various sources and formats, including spreadsheets, databases, and CSV files. The software’s interface is simple and very user-friendly, allowing users to easily navigate through the different functions and tools. The visualization tools include a variety of charts and graphs, such as scatter plots, histograms, and box plots, which can be customized to suit the user’s needs. Overall, this data analysis software is a comprehensive tool for exploring and analyzing data, offering a range of features and capabilities to suit the needs of both novice and experienced users.


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