Review on Learning Management System facilities for E-learning and Distance Learning


  • Ahmad Fawad
  • Nomanullah
  • Rohullah
  • Mohammad Salem


E-learning, Learning Management Systems, SQL Server, Visual Studio, User


The learning management system is one of the most useful systems in the world of technology because in recent years international secondary and higher education centers have been testing with a process that has completed some big changes to their structure and functioning. An excessive number of institutions implement a Learning Management System, and they become more and more common every year. Educational platforms (Learning Management Systems – LMS) are cutting-edge tools that educational institutions should not be without. They assist in the creation, adoption, administration, distribution, and management of all e-learning training tasks or can act as a supplement to classroom learning. Nowadays, one of the most significant challenges for lecturers and students is remote learning. We should thank to various communication tools that technology provides, both sides can work together outside the classroom and school grounds. The LMS is also helpful in the development of student assessment and evaluation. One of the most problems of the paper-based management system that many peoples faced is the loss of data or information that have been gathered or collected in paper or notebooks. Sometimes natural plagues also cause us to lose our collected data. So, the solution is to convert data into a computerized system or electrify the information, which will never be lost. In this research, the methodology that I used is secondary data in the document review which are academic papers, books, and websites. The objective of my research is to develop an online software for learning management system for lecturers and students’ performance, monitor and data sharing of the entire data. And the goal of this software is to simplify lessons for teachers/lecturers and students. We make a database for learning management system to better performance and availability of data every time and every situation for this purpose we develop software using SQL Server 2017 (SSMS vs.18) and Visual Studio 2019.


