E-learning: A Paradigm Shift from Traditional in-Campus Learning to Multimedia Based Distance Learning in India Post COVID-19


  • Prabhupad Vyas
  • Nipun Tiwari


With the onset of novel corona virus pandemic in early 2020, the major hurdle faced by the educational institutions was to provide continuous and uninterrupted tutoring in the absence of physical availability of the students. Initially, the institutions felt tremendous pressure to provide education to the large amount of students due to the temporary closure of schools, colleges, universities, coaching classes etc. Thus, to overcome the difficulty of physical absence of the students in classrooms, an innovative trend of teaching through virtual classroom has begun to rise. With the influx of video conferencing platforms such as zoom, webEX, Microsoft teams etc., E-learning has become more convenient option to continue imparting knowledge. In the present scenario, E-learning is the most suitable, preferable, accessible and acceptable medium of learning. However, education through E-learning for the prolonged period has shown some failures of its own. The problems faced by the students as well as tutors in virtual classrooms are bound to increase if such ways of teaching continue. Problems related to student participation and interactions are the basic problem in Elearning. Thus, the E-learning can be temporary solution for teaching during the times of current pandemic, but it cannot replace the traditional ways of teaching.


