Extending the Mind Share Model by Measuring Media Share of Voice


  • Hui-Hsin Huang


In this study, the author extends Mind Share model construction to use media Share of Voice to measure Mind Share of customer in a particular brand. The logit regression is used to find the impact factors which can predict the media Share of Voice. The empirical data is obtained from the Google search engine, and the cumulative volume of keyword searches is used to make model application. The volume of media voice in competitive brand, target brand and total issue are calculated by using the data from marketing campaign “buy one and get one free” of coffee store brands. The probabilities of media Share of Voice and parameters of the proposed model also be estimated. The results show that the increasing volume of competitive media voice will case low MSV of the target brand. The customers pay more attention or discuss on the issue of competitive brand may probability accelerate lower Mind Share of the target brand during the period of competitive marketing campaign because the number of customers exposed to the media every day is limited and fixed. In the future, some researchers can compare the different measurement of Mind share to Mind Share Voice to combine these various models of Mind Share from different concepts and perceptions.


